Madonna showed what looked in adolescence


Recently, Madonna shared with subscribers in Instagram his archive photo. On her, the pop queen is captured by a young girl. In the picture, she sits at the porch at home in jeans and a red top and heats up in the sun.

Teenage quarantine

- signed the publication of Madonna.

Photo of young Madonna in a few hours gathered 300 thousand likes and many comments. Fans admire the singer. "Eternally young queen", "Beauty", "was great from the very beginning," users write.

Madonna showed what looked in adolescence 97793_1

Probably, Madonna does not accidentally remember young years, since now it consists in a romantic relationship with a 27-year-old young man. Ahlamalik Williams is a dancer from the Madonna Show Ballet. Fans amazing their difference in age, but the singer does not hide the tender relationship with the chosen one. They recently celebrated the birthday of Ahlamalik, and on this Madonna published several photos on which they kiss.

Happy birthday my love. There is no better person with whom you can spend a quarantine,

- Signed the star of the personnel.

It is known that Madonna has already met his young boyfriend's family. In the fall of 2019, she arranged dinner with his parents, during which he stated that he was ready to take care of Ahlamalik. The singer said he loved him, and asked the parents of the dancer did not worry.

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