Keeping: Kate Beckinsale rehearses the "seagull" Chekhov in Russian


When Hollywood actors are trying to speak Russian, it is always of particular interest. Okay Milla Yovovich, but the other day his Russian-speaking audience was pleasantly surprised by Kate Beckinsale.

She published a video in Instagram, which reads Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Chaika" on the roles with the play with the Pieces of the play. Kate took the role of Nina Zarechny. He helped her a Russian-speaking man in working clothes. In the role of the seagulls made a large rubber duck. On the lawn, all this time is still a white dog, which has noticed some attentive users.

Публикация от Kate Beckinsale (@katebeckinsale)

In the video of the actress reads a play with a man, and at the end he tells her:

Kate, I don't think you will succeed. It seems to me that you are too old to play Nina. In addition, I came here to simply repair the air conditioner.

Okay, well ... thanks. Pancake…

- Says at the end of Kate and the duck kicks from annoyance. The video looks very thoughtful, so the repairman is unlikely to let go of Buckinsale unexpectedly for her.

Keeping: Kate Beckinsale rehearses the

In the comments, Beckinsale's subscribers are delighted: "Excellent! "Seagull" on quarantine is incomprehensible. Bravo, Kate! "," Only Katya can make the repairman of air conditioners play in the play Chekhov "," cool! Katya Beckinsale, you are the best! "," Your Russian is great! "

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