Johnny Depp joined Instagram


Coronavirus not only locked up the houses almost all of humanity and arranged a global crisis, but also forced Johnny Depp, an old opponent of social networks, to have Instagram. The other day the actor has started his page, it has already been confirmed. On Depp, there were also signed more than one and a half million users. Johnny has already posted one photo and a video in which he turned to people and explained why he started the page. In the video, he broadcasts at the table in the light of numerous candles.

Hello everybody. This is my first experience in social networks. I never did this before and did not see the reason to start. Up to that moment. But now it's time to open up and start a dialogue. Our invisible enemy has already caused many tragedies and still rushes a threat to human lives. People are sick. Without proper care, they choke and die,

- Beginner began.

Johnny Depp joined Instagram 97805_1

Next, Johnny called on people to be conscious, attentive and conduct quarantine with benefit:

Now it seems that our hands are connected behind their backs. To some extent. Hands - yes, but not our consciousness and not our hearts. We can take care of each other. Be safe, stay at home. Isolation is a good time to understand something important. And remember: today there is only today, it will never happen again. Make today something that will make you better and others tomorrow.

Depp insists that it is impossible to miss during isolation:

When my children were small, they often fit me and complained that they were bored. And I have always been one answer: you are not allowed to miss. It is impossible to miss. There is always something to do. Read, draw. Think. Remove the movie for the phone. Play musical instruments, and if you do not know how to raise some. Listen to new music, look for what you have not heard, share it with others.

In conclusion, Johnny said that over the past couple of years, he recorded an album with his friend a legendary musician Jeff Bek. It is called isolation.

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