Thai Weiti began to sew children's toys: "Tie with the movie"


Thai Vaititi in self-insulation mode is trying to entertain himself as soon as it can. In any case, such an impression consists of his posts in Instagram. He noted the birthday of his most beloved director Andrei Tarkovsky; Congratulated with the anniversary of Robert Downey Jr. Photo of the Irish Committee Graham Norton; showed how children cut it; He glared many, saying that by the end of Quarantine, everyone would remind people from the cartoon "Vall-".

Happy Birthday, master. #tarkovsky

Публикация от Taika Waititi (@taikawaititi)

Now in his free time he decided to make a sewing toys. And made a hare and snake. Under posts with photos director wrote:

Tie with a movie. If I can delight the world with my sewing, then this is the right decision. Please note that I managed to make rustic toys. And, clever, this is a language in the mouth of the snake, not a tampon. Happy eternal weekend.

Thai Weiti began to sew children's toys:

Thai Weiti began to sew children's toys:

At the moment, Taika Vaititi removes the comedy "the next goal - victorious", based on real history, as the Samoa Football team almost was not displayed at the World Cup. After that, he will head the shooting of the blockbuster "Thor: Love and Thunder."

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