Will Smith showed how the Aladdin fan turns a pancake into a copy of Ginna


With his deafening success, the game remorse "Aladdin", which last year, is largely obliged not to classic songs, and the updated version of the genie performed by Will Smith. His version of the Merry Spirit of the Magic Lamp immediately loved the audience, and sometimes this love makes itself felt very original way. For example, on its page in Instagram Smith, the video shared the video on which the culinary from Dancakes bakes a pancake, which is a portrait of Ginn.

Sicvel "Aladdin" has already been launched into production. It is expected that in the upcoming film to their usual roles, not only Smith, but also Massad (Aladdin) with Naomi Scott (Princess Jasmine) will return. At the moment, Disney Studio is working on a scenario to Aladdin 2, but there is no information about the launch of the picture. It is assumed that the release will be held no earlier than 2022.

Will Smith showed how the Aladdin fan turns a pancake into a copy of Ginna 97855_1

Prior to this, the Variety edition reported that the sequels for animation "Aladdin" will not be connected with the second part of the game film. The Hollywood Reporter adds to this that Disney bosses can adapt some other plots of "thousands and one night" - for example, "Seven Travels of Sinbad" and "Ali Baba and forty robbers."

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