Danny Devito appealed to people with a request to sit at home: "Let's protect Danny Devito"


At the request of the Governor of New York, Andrew Kuomo Danny Devito recorded a video, which tells about the need to stay at home and reduce the number of contacts.

I ask you from all my heart to stay at home. All residents in New York. We have a virus, this pandemic. As you know, young people can get infected, and then convey the disease to the elderly. And you know, I'm elderly. 80 percent of deaths fall on people over 65 years old.

This request has focused on many social network users who smelted the idea of ​​protecting Danny Devito. Among the list of celebrities already ill coronavirus, the oldest is Tom Hanks, which is 63 years old. Close to the critical date, but he has not yet reached it. For a 75-year-old, the virgin disease will be fatally dangerous. The network is gaining popularity of the appeal "Stay at home. Do it for Frank Reynolds! "

Danny Devito appealed to people with a request to sit at home:

Frank Reynolds - the character of the TV series "In Philadelphia is always sunny", which Danny Denni played. A Russian attempt to clone the series called "In Moscow is always sunny" ended in failure. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the main star of the series-clone Konstantin Kryukov is still far from the 75th anniversary.

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