Jared Summer almost died, engaged in climbing (photo and video)


Jared Summer shared with the subscribers of history about how the other day he almost broke from height during climbing. The actor went to conquer the RED Rock Rock in Nevada, along with professional climbing Alex Honnold. At one moment he discovered with horror that his safety rope was stuck.

I do not want to dramatize, but on this day I almost died. While climbed on Red Rock, looked upstairs and saw a rope over a few seconds rushed about the sharp stone. And I dangled in the air at an altitude of 182 meters. I remember how looked down on the ground. It was a strange moment: the fear is almost no, but there is a clear awareness of what is happening, and light sadness. Adrenaline went after when I stopped hanging and returned to the rock. But in the end we coped with everything and survived. It was quite fun. And we continued to rise at night. Watch the video",

- wrote Jared to the publication and laid out the roller he took off when he got on the support and examined the damaged rope.

In the comments, loyal fans of Jared begged him to be careful: "Why do you do it with us?! Dear, be careful, please! You need us and peace! "," Oh God, Jared ... "," Take care of yourself, please! "," I am glad that everything happened. "

Jared Summer almost died, engaged in climbing (photo and video) 97903_1

But this is not the first time when Extreme Extreme Lover "was close to death." A couple of years ago he told him how he had almost broke with greater height. According to Jared, then he, hanging on the cable at an altitude of 900 meters, understood a lot.

At that moment I had a very frank conversation with myself. I realized that in such a situation it is impossible to lose mind. To survive, you need to stay as calm as possible,

- told the summer.

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