Kate Beckinsale made the fans of the photo in a bathroom bikini


The other day, Kate Beckinsale published on his page in Instagram photo from the bathroom, on which she poses in a passage in the dark burgundy bikini without strapless. In the frame of the actress peeking out of the doorway and demonstrates a sports tanned body. Kate's followers left her a lot of laudatory comments: "My God, I now like women again," "What makes a coach with you, what do you look so good? I am 20 years old, but I need these tips! "," Feet of the day! "," How good wine - with age only good. "

Kate Beckinsale made the fans of the photo in a bathroom bikini 97912_1

Also, Kate also recorded a video, in which she showed her cat and danced in jeans and a short top without straps, praising a slim waist and relief hands.

Earlier it was reported that Beckinsale began to meet with the young Rapper Machine Gun Kelly, another of her former boyfriend comic to Pita Davidson. The actress was seen with the new worker at night in the car. Before that, celebrities were seen at the InStyle and Warner Bros party. After-party after the Golden Globe Prize Ceremony, which they left together.

Kate Beckinsale made the fans of the photo in a bathroom bikini 97912_2

In a recent interview with Kate, who was married to 12 years old and has a 20-year-old daughter, she said that he did not understand why a woman after 30 should sit at home and study the family.

It seems something strange if the woman after 32 enjoys life. I do not mean drugs, drunkenness and parties. It's about being easy, to be somewhere, and not sit at home and wait for menopause,

- said the actress.

She stressed that men in adulthood this problem does not happen.

I see how men always make what they like - be it relationship, buying a motorcycle or tattoo. And it is not perceived so wild, as in the case of a woman. No one says: "Why doesn't he have children? Time goes, he needs to become a father "or" Why is it so many girlfriends? ".

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