"The best dad in the world": Hyden Pantiery defended Vladimir Klitschko on the net


About seven years, Vladimir Klitschko and Heiden Panotieri were in relationships. In 2014, they had a daughter Kaya Evdokia, however, in August 2018, the couple broke up. Now Kaya lives with dad and grandmother in Kiev, and Vladimir and Heiden retain friendly relations.

On the day of the defender of the Fatherland Panotieri left on his page in Instagram touching message former beloved. She published a photo on which Klitschko is cute dancing with her daughter, and wrote:

The best dad in the world.

She also published a picture of Kayy in Griev Tigrenka.

The other day, Hyden lit up in the news headlines after her current boyfriend, Brian Hikerson, arrested for the hands-preposition. This is no longer the first case when the police intervenes the police in relation to Hyden and Brian. Hikerson said that the girlfriend put it out of the house after he struck her face. Police caused the neighbors reacted to noise. Pantitieri found traces of beatings on the body.

Some subscribers confused Klitschko with Hikerson and were surprised that after incident Heiden left him such a warm message. "The best dad? Is it before you beat, or after? " - wrote one of the subscribers. What Pantiery replied:

This is another guy! Klitschko is a legend, he is my hero.

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