Star "Avengers: Final" Josh Brolin answered the criticism of the candid photo of his wife


Indeed, a 51-year-old actor boasted to Instagram a snapshot on which Catherine poses topless. Of course, no intimate details in the frame did not fall, but a slim waist and a flat belly of a girl are visible.

Under the frank post, Brolin quoted the writer Anais Ning, which became famous for the novels of frivolous content, and clearly made it clear that he was experiencing the strongest feelings. However, in the commentary, the Moral Moralee looked around and said that the Lord would not want the actor to demonstrate his wife's body on the web.


Brolin reaction was not too tactful, but very effective.

I just talked to God, and he asked me to convey to you so that you shut up and agrees,

- Posted Brolin.


Recall that Catherine Boyd and Josh Brolin connects a classic service story. The girl worked for a long time by the assistant of the Hollywood actor, and in the fall of 2016 the lovers got married. After two years, their daughter Westlin appeared on the light.

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