Jamie Lee Curtis denied the guessed that the Return of the Thromba family will take place in "getting knives 2"


This week, the announcement of two sequels of the detective detective "to get the knives" took place. Both paintings will take Ryan Johnson in their scenario, and they will not fall into a wide range, but will come immediately on the Netflix stream service. Mediagigant acquired projects for the amount in the area of ​​$ 450 million and plans to launch the film crew of the first film on June 28 in Greece. It is assumed that only Daniel Craig will be involved from the acting of the tape 2019 in continuations.

On the wave of news, Jamie Lee Curtis, who played in the original project Linda Drysdale, published a deployed post in Instagram, which confirmed that none of the members of the thrombus family in the new stories would not appear. Moreover, the Hollywood Star decided to tell what happened to some characters after the original is the original:

"I want to dispel a rumor: the family of Tromuby is currently consulting at a psychologist, and the therapist advised them in the future to stay away from Benua. As for the Linda, it is in perfect order, because she managed to kick under the rear of his unprofitable spouse with a pointed moccasin - Sorry, Don Johnson. The rest are traditionally fussy. Ransi [Chris Evans] is obviously engaged in knitting sweaters - a new skill that he mastered in prison. Joni [Tony Collett] appeared a bomb for a bath with the smell of the vagina, Walt [Michael Shannon] independently publishes his memoirs. Once again, I emphasize: none of us will join Mr. Blanca in Greece. From the face of the whole family, I wish the creators of the tape of all the best in their new business. "

It is assumed that the release of the sequel will be held in summer or in the fall of 2022.

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