This is a war: Tanya Tereshina explained why it is impossible to live on 100 thousand rubles per month


On the show "Points of NAD and" a 40-year-old star answered the question how much money she needs for a comfortable life: "I can't say what amount I need, but it is unrealistic about 100 thousand rubles. I have children. Only on gasoline and how much money goes out! So 100 thousand is very little. " Users in the network came to indignation, since most Russians have to live on much smaller amounts.

This is a war: Tanya Tereshina explained why it is impossible to live on 100 thousand rubles per month 98011_1

A few days later, Tereshin decided to explain. "This honest answer I, apparently, somehow offended some people. It's not about survival, but about the level of life to which I came. It is clear that 20 thousand can live. Bad to live, "the singer reasoned. She explained that he worked not to buy the cheapest products, not drive the car, do not send children to development centers, do not play sports and health, etc. "So, my dear, you can survive for 5 thousand. And I sincerely sorry those who have no opportunity to get out of such hell. I'm sorry. But I have the right to live, as I want, how I try. And, in my opinion, I live modestly, "Tereshin concluded.

But if the star hoped on the understanding of the subscribers - she was mistaken. In the comments, users like declared Tanya War: Some began to count how much she drives on the car, once on gasoline takes 40 thousand a month, others were caught in an attempt to Hip, the third accused of hypocrisy, saying that she didn't achieve everything herself, and fourth advised "Turn on the brains" or stop justifying.

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