"Ordinary street girl": Layisan Utashev criticized for a new image in Instagram


"Summer is a great reason for experiments," the picture has signed the picture. Not all fans agreed with her. Most of them were asked Layisan to return the dark color of the hair and forget about the blonde forever, which is rejected and cheap. "This is clearly not your color, you are with him like moth," for some reason I want to say to make the face easier, "" I became like everything - a blonde with lips, "" I need to continue to cut on your own accord! What was the beauty, and now the street ordinary girl "," All who sings you diffilams, to put it mildly, flattering "," these feet ... ", - wrote Folloviers.

Among the commentators were also those who sincerely liked the new "puppet" image of Utyashevoy, and those who reminded the criticizing that no one asked their opinions. Judging by other posts leading, subscribers do not need permission to tips and critical comments. Last time, the fans criticized the stars too thin and complained that Layisan ruins her health with diet. However, then the presenter did not attach importance to someone else's opinion.

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