No one wants a remorse "Bride Princess": "Do not touch the masterpiece!"


"Princess-Bride" - a cult film in 1987, in which, according to fans, there is everything you need to the viewer. For more than 30 years, this story remained beloved by millions of fans, while the head of the Sony Studio Tony Vikchikherra did not think about the remake. According to him, well-known people turned to him more than once, expressing the desire to recharge the popular ribbon.

Does not go and month how someone comes with their suggestions,

- Shared Wichikherra.

No one wants a remorse

His words have merged social networks. Not only the audience, but also the stars, one of whom was Jamie Lee Curtis, the Wife of the Screen Sixpal Count Rugene, rushed to the "Princess-Bride" defense.

Oh serious? I married a man with six fingers and lived with him 35 years old, because there is only one "Princess-Bride." And she belongs to William Goldman and Rob Rainer,

- stated the actress.

Cary Elvis, who played in the film Main role, held a colleague:

In this world, it lacks the perfect films. It would be a pity to spoil one of them.

I would never dare

- Posted Seth Rogen to the question, he is not one of those "famous people."

Private users agreed with their opinion.

"You made one of the classic errors. Everyone knows: never borrow a land war in Asia and never cross the cult classics! "

"It seems this is the worst that I have ever heard"

"And I want to marry Kiana Rivza. But we do not always receive what we want. And as long as my desire is unthinkable to realize, even more inconcepting to allow these idiots to remake such a wonderful film "

"Princess-Bride" is the adaptation of the Noman's name of William Goldman in 1973. The author himself wrote a script for the adaptation, which Rob Raigner put. Despite the fact that the picture failed to show impressive cash collections, subsequently she gained the status of the cult.

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