Back in the 90s: Stars of the series "Enchanted" reunited after 13 years


The Star "Enchanted" pleased all the fans of the Guardian Leo and His with Piper Son Chris. Holly together with Brian and Drew reunited to celebrate the Day of the Father and spend time together. Combs now 45 years old, Krause in February celebrated the 50th anniversary, and Fuller turned 39 years old. The fans betrayed nostalgia and complained that time could not be stopped: "Leo was a father for all of us, and you were us a mother," "The Hollyll family again together", "I miss" enchanted ". I refuse to watch the reboot, "the actress follovers wrote.

Another star of the show - Rose McGowan, which in the comments asked his love in the comments to the post.

Back in the 90s: Stars of the series

In the filmography of all three actors, the series remained the most bright and memorable project. Recall, the "enchanted" reached the screens in 1998 and kept on the air until 2006. Initially, the main roles of Hollyll Sisters were performed by Shannen Doherty (PRU), Holly Mary Combs (Piper) and Alissa Milano (Phoebe), but in the fourth season, Doherty replaced Rose McGowen, who performed the role of Page.

Back in the 90s: Stars of the series

Last year, a reboot of the series with a new acting staff was rebooted on the screens, but no viewers nor criticism took the feministic reboot.

Back in the 90s: Stars of the series

Back in the 90s: Stars of the series

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