Shocking frames: Cardi Bi showed the effects of plastic surgery


For the sake of making a chest suspender, Cardi Bi missed the planned concert, which fans said loudly. According to her, the speeches bring her big money, but she dreamed about Mammoplasty from adolescent age, so he brought a concert in Baltimore as a victim of beauty. However, on the weekend, the star shared a snapshot of his swollen feet and explained that this is a side effect of the operation. Because of the edema, doctors banned Cardi bi to perform, and how long she was to recover - unknown.

Nevertheless, the result of the plastic surgery of the singer was satisfied. She published a photo in a scenic suit, emphasizing surgically changed body shapes. Someone from subscribers approved similar experiments on appearance, and someone in horror urged Cardi to stop until it became worse. "It looks just awful!", "And this role model for young girls?", "You look not like a normal woman, but as a fantasy teenage boy, fastened on anime," wrote users on the network.

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