Lolita Milyavskaya showed a figure in a swimsuit: "Everyone is removed, and I want"


The singer decided to go to the model plus Size, and her fans became the first spectators. She showed himself to the belt, flirtary noticing that now it is better to pay attention to her husband - tennis player Dmitry Ivanova. "This is a sail-minus, but back to Sayz-Plus," says Lolita and translates the camera again.

The comments rated the courage of the artist promoting the bodypositive. "You are the most," Lera Kudryavtseva admired. "You are a gorgeous woman", "You are real", "I love you for simplicity and humanity," such pleasant words left Lolita under the post. One of the subscribers even asked the Council: "How to lose fear of your body and contemptuous views of people?". "Do not pay attention," the singer answered concisely.

We add that the love of his own body Lolita sometimes comes to absurdity. Fans still remember her transparent overalls, in which she went on the stage of the Music Festival "Heat" in Baku a couple of years ago.

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