Video: Rosario Dawson celebrated the 40th anniversary, posing topless


In honor of the anniversary, the star of the film "Crystal" shared with subscribers by two videos. On one of them, she collected friends and relatives who were loudly congratulated her with the fortothetics. "Thanks to my family and friends that they came to celebrate the birthday with me!" - wrote Rosario. In the comments, the actress hurried to congratulate fans and star colleagues in the face of Zoe Soldy, Tara Reed, Zoe Bell and others.

Later, Dawson published another roller on which she is alone posing topless, enjoying a sunny day, and this post attracted much more attention to the star profile. While all other subscribers wrote enthusiastic comments, directed by Kevin Smith asked Rosario to cover - probably did not stand beauty.

This is not the first time the star teases fans like videos: In December last year, she also shared an overlooking post at first glance, which eventually turned out to be just a draw.

Video: Rosario Dawson celebrated the 40th anniversary, posing topless 98152_1

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