Justin Bieber frankly told how glory almost destroyed his life


For a long time, the singer suffers from depression, which is trying to fight. In a surround post in Instagram, he said that he was difficult to get up in the mornings and live without waiting that another disappointment would follow. Fortunately, there were always people nearby who supported him in bad days.

I have a lot of money, clothes, cars, awards and other things. But did you see what usually happens with celebrities? They turn out to be the pressure with which they are not able to cope. And fame of all this, the inexplicable things will create

- noted Justin.

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He told that he was born in an ordinary family when his parents were still very young. Bieber Ros, developed his talent, and then his world turned over and in 13 years he turned into the most popular boy in the world, whom everyone praised.

As a child, I believed in it. For me, everyone did others. At 18, I did not have any real life skills, but I could get everything I want. By 20 years I made all the mistakes that can come to mind, and turned into the most ridicule and hated man,

- signed a singer.

Bieber admitted that he began to take drugs in 19 years, after which he began to behave terribly with women, ruined relationships with friends and moved away from everyone who loved him. Fortunately, close to him did not turn away and helped him cope with difficulties. And now the singer is experiencing one of the best periods of his life - marriage with Haley Baldwin.

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