Joan Rivens: "Jennifer Lawrence fell on the Oscar stage, because he stumbled upon his own arrogance"


It all started with the fact that in a recent interview with Lawrence negatively spoke out of transmissions like "Fashion Police". "Such a show as Fashion Police demonstrates the young generation that people need to be judged by their appearance," the actress was indignant. "They give the value to incorrect things and teach that it is quite normal to poke a man with a finger and call it an ugly or fat." In their opinion, it is funny - blaming other people. But we look like it looks like. Or need to starve all day to please others? It's just stupid. "

The leading "Fashion Police" Joan Riverness did not ignore this drop. She wrote in his tweet: "It's funny like Jennifer Lawrence loved FashionPolice during the premiums season, when we answered the compliments every week. And now, when she promotes his film, suddenly it turns out that we are attacking these poor actresses. " This rivens seemed a little, and she added: "Wait-ka! Before me just reached, why Jennifer Lawrence fell on the steps when she was behind Oscar. She stumbled upon his own arrogance. "

I wonder if Jennifer will make a response or prefer to ignore the saying of Joan?

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