"The daughter refused to breathe": Maria Kravchenko frankly told about heavy childbirth


The star of the Comedy Woman's show Maria Kravchenko shared frank confessions on the YouTube channel "Empathy Manuchi". Masha told about how hard her pregnancy passed, why she no longer wanted children and what kind of physicians were diagnosed with her daughter. This is the first pregnancy of the actress, so at some moments it turned out to be at all ready for the tests that fell into her share.

On the Comedy stage, Mary's amplua arrogant, rough, extremely confident girls, who always clearly knows what and how to do. Spectators used to see Masha always fun and cheerful. The greater shock were for them as recognition of Mary, and the opportunity to see it with such a vulnerable, vulnerable, even crying.

Baby having become a real test of courage and patience for the actress. During pregnancy, Kravchenko could have almost nothing, except frozen cherries and buckwheat, but still scored about 30 kg. Doctors doubted that the actress would be able to give birth to herself naturally. The daughter was born ahead of time, and Maria collided with new, even more terrible problems - the little ones did not reveal the lungs on time, there were problems with the liver. Moreover, the doctors put the wrong diagnosis - brain vice, which finally finished the young mother.

To date, Masha and her husband are planning a second child, but now Kravchenko does not want to give birth to himself, fearing again to experience unpleasant emotions. Especially since after a severe first pregnancy from Machi serious health problems. "I do not understand what the expression" Woman is waiting for a miracle meaning. " It's just not like that! No one is a miracle, it is hell! " Said Kravchenko in an interview to the show "Empathy Manuchi".

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