The ROCs spoke about the songs of the Manyzhi for Eurovision: "Women outraged"


As soon as the draw presented his song with which he planned to perform on Eurovision from Russia, as an artist began to criticize from all sides. At first, the usual viewers of the first channel, where the presentation was held. The audience considered that the singer of Tajik origin could not represent Russia. Some viewers outraged the lyrics of Russian Woman and the suit of the manipies, which they found too provocative and causing. The singer began literally to run in social networks, expressing attensely and frankly racist statements.

A wave of protest rose not only among ordinary listeners, but even at the state level. Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation made a proposal to prohibit the equipment in the speech elements of state symbols. On Wednesday, the Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko made a criticism of the room, stating that she was surprised at both the content of the song and the manner of her execution, and instructed to request information from the first channel about how the voting procedure was held. She was supported by Senator Elena Afanasyev, noting that there was no point in the song.

According to the RIA Novosti agency, representatives of the ROC are connected to the scandal. The deputy head of the Sanidal Department of the Moscow Patriarchate on the Relationships of the Church with Society and Media Vakhtang Kipzidze said that the overwhelming majority of Russian women are extremely unhappy with this musical composition. "Works with women's theme should not cause indignation from our female female," journalists quote the words of Kippisidze. "In the Russian Constitution, the protection of traditional values ​​is enshrined, and one of them is the value of motherhood, which involves unconditional respect for a woman. All that humiliates the dignity of a woman is unworthy of popularizing in international space, including the Eurovision contest, the representative of the ROC stressed.

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