Pregnant Gorban starred in bedside scenes: "Interesting experience"


Star series "Kitchen" Maria Gorban is now expecting a second child. The actress admitted that the pregnancy made it so attractive and happy that they felt even the director. Recently, she has become much more likely to offer roles in the movies.

The 34-year-old actress told about what role she had to play, being pregnant, in an exclusive interview for the publication OK!. According to Mary, after she found out that she was waiting for the second child, she began to offer very spicy images. "The funny thing as soon as the belly appeared (even a little earlier, when I learned that in the position), I began to offer the roles of some strippers, bedside scenes. And we must admit that I do not refuse, all happily agree. This is a very interesting experience, "said the celebrity, adding that he had previously refused such proposals.

Maria Gorban has been married for the sound producer Kirill Zotkin for five years. The star admitted that they and his spouse planned pregnancy and even prepared for her. It will be their first joint child. The actress already has a six-year-old daughter Stefania from the former husband, Oleg Filatova. This year, the girl will go to the first class, and the star couple decided that this is the right time for the second child.

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