"The largest film in history": the artist Jesus told about the Sikvel "Passion of Christ"


The list of the most successful cash collection films is filled in the main paintings related to various franchises. But one name stands out: filmed 14 years ago the film "Passion of Christ" in the year of exit came to the seventh place in the list. At the moment it is located in 47 locations. But continues to be the leader among films with Rating R, not allowing himself even "Deadpool". The director of the "Passion of Christ" since the release of the film was talking about the need for Sicvel. And, if you believe the performer of the role of Jesus James Cavizelu, Gibson is close to his goal. In an interview with BreitBart News, Cavizel said:

Mel Gibson has just sent me a third version of the script. The film will be quite soon. He will receive the name "Passion of Christ: Resurrection." It will be the biggest film in world history.

Also, the actor remembered how "the passions of Christ" influenced his career. And he, and director Mel Gibson found themselves in the opal in Hollywood:

The film became a bomb. He was in all tops. It was possible to think that after that I would offer a lot of roles. But no, they did not offer. Studios generally forgot about my existence. Films on biblical stories can not be removed. Now in fashion movie about superheroes. You will not see the screens of Christ. But I had to play the greatest superhero in the world.

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