The star of the "magnificent century" surprised the network of an unusual tattoo on the fifth point


A 32-year-old Turkish actress Merve Bulzur, it seems seriously fascinated by relations with his fan. More recently, the star admitted that the young man named Book Daiy for two years "heated the ice" in her heart, leaving comments in the personal microblogger of the idol. At some point, Merve decided to meet with an insistent fan, and after a while she understood that he fell in love with a guy.


Публикация от Merve Boluğur (@mervebolugur)

"We are fine and we are happy. I think that I finally found the soul mate, "the girl admitted.


Публикация от Merve Boluğur (@mervebolugur)

Judging by her, the novel will turn into something more. It became known that Bolungur made a tattoo, which can be devoted to the new relationship, writes the edition of Rusturkey. The star decided to write the word "mine" on its fifth point. In the personal microblogging actress often encourages fans not to despair in search of the second half, sharing with Follover's pictures with his boyfriend.

We will remind, the Russian viewer Merve Bulihur is known for the "magnificent century", where she performed the role of Nurban Sultan. In 2014, model data allowed her to become a friend of Maybelline in Turkey.

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