"I said" yes "from the first meeting": Maria Sharapova announced the engagement


Maria Sharapova announced the engagement with the British businessman Alexander Gilks. Rumors that the former first racket of the world is married, appeared in January of this year, but there was no official confirmation from the pair. Finally, lovers decided to reveal their secret. "I said" yes "on the very first day when we met. It was our little secret, "Maria wrote in his Instagram. Gilks ​​made a response recognition by his beloved on his page: "Thank you for making me a very, very happy boyfriend and said yes. I love you and I will learn your whole life. "

Roman Maria and Alexandra began back in 2018. The couple appeared hand in hand at all secular events, but did not comment on their relationship. The groom Sharapova is a very wealthy British businessman and a millionaire, the co-founder of Squared Cirqles and the online-auction house Paddle8. For Masha, it will be the first marriage. Prior to that, the tennis players had a short relationship with the massacre of the group Maroon 5 Adam Levin, then the chosen basketball player Sasha Vuyachich, who she changed the Tennis player of Grigor Dimitrov. She was also "swatal" for the famous Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo, but it was just the exchange of courtesies in Instagram. All of these fleeting in love of athletes ended with nothing.

But for the groom Mary, it will be a second marriage. The millionaire was already married to the Mishe Nona designer, a friend Megan Marcle. Also, he is credited with a fleeting novel with Sister Kate Middleton Pippoy. It is known that Gilks ​​is a close friend of the princes brothers Harry and William. So Mary has every chance of becoming closer to the royal British family.

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