Maria Sharapova completed a tennis player


32-year-old Maria Sharapova leaves his tennis player. In his column, she shared memories of how she began to study tennis, and told that she helped to succeed. Also an athlete noted that her body was "began to bring it."

Tennis, I say goodbye to you,

- Says at the beginning of Essay Maria.

She told that she began to train when she was only four. It was in Sochi, a father led to Maria's classes.

The racket I kept in my hands was twice the greater me

- recalls Sharapova.

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According to Mary, the first time of her rival in the game was always "older, stronger and higher," but the tennis player did not give up.

Did my career cost all the efforts? This question did not even stand. Of course, it was worth. My main weapon was always the power of the spirit and durability. Even if the opponents were physically stronger and more confident of me, I continued to persist,

- writes Sharapova.

Maria Sharapova completed a tennis player 98596_1

Last year, Sharapova received a shoulder injury. In his essay, she noted that it was not new for her, "over time, the tendons are rubbed as threads." The athlete suffered several operations and regularly passed physiotherapy.

I share it not to cause pity, I want to say that my body began to bring me

- Star shared. In conclusion, Maria noted that he gave tennis 28 years of his life and would miss training and routine of the day. Sharapova compared his tennis career with the mountain, which she conquered.

Now I am ready to climb another mountain

- she summed up.

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What exactly will be Mary after leaving tennis, is still unknown. But she has a private enterprise, producing sweets under the Sugarpova brand. Sharapova products can be found in 25 countries of the world. Also an athlete earns in advertising contracts. And soon it will marry the founder of the Auction House of Paddle8 Anglicin Alexander Gilks.

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