"How lost weight!": Marina Alexandrova in a banging outfit delighted Urgant


The 38-year-old actress Marina Alexandrova led to the delight of Showman Ivan Urgant. The artist did not abandon the invitation of the leading first channel and looked at his show in the suph outfit.

For the appearance on TV, she chose a free cut coffee blazer, which was put on the tight bodily shade. Restrained star colors decided to dilute a bright red skirt from the flowing satin. Its look, she supplemented beige shoes collected back by hair and natural makeup with a slight accent in the eyes.

Ivan Burly reacted to the star who came to visit, appreciating her image. Urgant shared and a funny story, told about the meeting with his spouse Actress Andrei Boltenko.

"Here is a medal that I have to transfer your husband a biker, we ride a bicycle together. We participated in the arrival, and he did not take the medal - he could not stop at the finish, "the leading leader said from the irony.

"So far rides!" - answered him Alexandrov.

The audience was delighted with the star, noting that she was noticeably transformed.

"The worst Marina," the fans of the slender figure of the actress commented.

"How pretty beauty was!" - Others agreed.

"Looks gorgeous," the fans admired.

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