Video: How Dan Eykroyd and Bill Murray persuaded to watch "Hunters for ghosts"


At one time, the fantastic comedy "Ghostbusters" (1984) became a hits of rolled and won the love of the general public. At a budget in the amount of $ 30 million, the picture collected an impressive $ 282 million in global boxes. Given such indicators, it is difficult to imagine that shortly before the premiere of the actors Dan Eykroud (Ray Stanz) and Bill Murray (Peter Venkman) happened to write down a small video in which they call on the owners Cinemas do not neglect the show of their new film. The rare video laid out on his page on Twitter Writer Todd Spence:

It's amazing. Dan Eykroyd and Bill Murray removed this short film for the owners of independent cinemas to sell them the right to show "Ghost hunters". In addition, here you can hear the original title song. It looks very cool.

Speaking as if on behalf of his characters, Eykroyd and Murray, something and then dilute their call for jokes. For example, the actors joke a lot on the topic of entertainment and gambling business in Las Vegas, because it was there, apparently, this vocabulary was to be shown. At the same time, Eykroyd and Murray tirelessly praise "ghost hunters", calling their film the "greatest comedy in history".

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