Such a young one: a video appeared on the network with Keanu Rivza tests for the role in Bill and Teda


The Daily Mail edition received from an unsecured source and published rollers from a film to the main roles in the film "Incredible Adventures of Bill and Ted" 1989. On them, Keanu Rivz and Alex Winters are trying on the role of the main characters of this film, which made them famous. Interestingly, it was originally a Rivz for the role of Bill, and Winters - on the role of a Teda, but the creators of the film decided to change them in places. Also in the rollers on the same roles are trying actors Matt Adler, Donovan Leis and Gary Riley. None of them became the same famous as the actors played in the film. But you must admit, and that "chemistry", which arises when playing Kiana Rivza and Alex Winter, other actors could not demonstrate.

Only this year the screenwriters of the film Ed Solomon and Chris Matsison told a fun story associated with the creation of a tape. The main characters were largely written off, showing the history of their friendship. And extremely skeptical evaluated the ability of a film studio to hold the casting and find suitable actors. Once in line in McDonalds, they saw two foolish young people and discussed how sorry that the studio would never hire such guys to these roles. A little later, they met these guys in the studio - it was Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter.

After the sequel "New Adventures of Bill and Ted", the scripts and performers of major roles have repeatedly promised fans franchise that the third part will be. And the fans have finally waited. Premiere "Bill and Ted 3" will be held on September 1 of this year.

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