Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson on the German TV show


At that time, a visit was a woman from Germany, who claimed that she was able to determine all his dogs on the sound of a chamber when they lacquered a bowl of a bowl. Wilson said it is impossible. And Aniston believed her. Loser needed to eat a dog cookies. A woman with dogs really guess all his pets. The lead show suggested Eniston and Wilson on the liver.

"But I gave the correct answer!" - Aniston indignant. "This is not considered. You are in the same team like dogs." Said the lead, and Owen hugged Jennifer after these words and said: "The Sun, we are together in this matter. Wilson said he would very much like to tell his grandchildren to tell his grandchildren to eat dog cookies with Jennifer Aniston. "A bit dryly," Jennifer noted. And Wilson seemed liked, so he later presented a whole pack of dog cookies and could not resist Eniston compliments. "I would never have thought that a star from Hollywood would agree to eat a dog's cookie not television. ". To which the actress replied:" I think that now all the dogs in Germany love me. "

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