Articles #1096

Tom Cruise in the magazine W. June 2012

Tom Cruise in the magazine W. June 2012
About whether he sang in childhood, running around the house : "You know what? I arranged the scenes from the "risky business" throughout the house. I...

Henry Cavill commented on Superman's Mustache in the failed "justice league"

Henry Cavill commented on Superman's Mustache in the failed "justice league"
Recall, the story developed like this: Henry dropped in the "League of Justice" as superman, then reflected the mustache for the role in the "mission of...

47-year-old Jennifer Lopez waiting for a third child?

47-year-old Jennifer Lopez waiting for a third child?
The father of the child is a 29-year-old boyfriend Lopez from her dance, Casper Smart. Also, a person from the environment of Lopez noted that the beloved...

Jennifer Lopez will play drug karoness in the telephone HBO

Jennifer Lopez will play drug karoness in the telephone HBO
Jennifer Lopez herself said that she had long been interested in the story of this woman, and she was glad to work on the film. The famous Latino American...

Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner laugh again above us?

Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner laugh again above us?
No and no again. Information appeared that on the upcoming Oscar ceremony, Robert Pattinson plans to draw up a company of his partner on the film "Water...

Jennifer Lopez and Ryan Guzman in Latina magazine. February 2015.

Jennifer Lopez and Ryan Guzman in Latina magazine. February 2015.
Jennifer about the sexual appeal of Ryan: "It was something boyish and at the same time male. Some innocence, followed by something dark. And it was very...

Kristen, smile finally. You meet with Robert Pattinson!

Kristen, smile finally. You meet with Robert Pattinson!
Nevertheless, it seems that she is simply unable to smile. As we wrote, a 20-year-old actress was seen in the Japanese restaurant with Robert Pattinson...

Kristen Stewart learns to be mom on books

Kristen Stewart learns to be mom on books
But Kristen not only should become a vampire.She will also play the role of Mom for his half-haired daughter."Fortunately, the book is written very well....

Kristen Stewart about his role in "Dawn"

Kristen Stewart about his role in "Dawn"
"My best girlfriend just gave birth to a child. We are with her one age. I am now the godfather mom that seems to me with something crazy, "said 20-year-old...

Stewart and Pattinson broke up, and Lautner and Swift came together

Stewart and Pattinson broke up, and Lautner and Swift came together
All Troim still have to represent a new trailer of the upcoming "eclipse" on Sunday at MTV Movie Awards, but Pattinson and Stewart are primarily professionals,...

Famous: Taylor Lautner says Robert Pattinson does not deserve Kristen Stewart

Famous: Taylor Lautner says Robert Pattinson does not deserve Kristen Stewart
So, now the Famous edition writes that despite the apparent "all o'K" between Stuart and Pattinson at the MTV ceremony, in fact they are no longer together....

Melissa Gilbert told about his novel with Tom Cruise and, why would she hit Shannon Doherty in his nose

Melissa Gilbert told about his novel with Tom Cruise and, why would she hit Shannon Doherty in his nose
"In fact, when I met him, he still had the name of Tom Mapoter," Gilbert recalled. "It was when he first arrived in Los Angeles, it seems to me then it...

The stars "Twilight" are combined at the conclusion of a contract for "Dawn"?

The stars "Twilight" are combined at the conclusion of a contract for "Dawn"?
According to Chicago Sun Times, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner can be united for negotiations in the filming of "Dawn". Such negotiations...

What team is Stephanie Meier, Evard or Jacob itself?

What team is Stephanie Meier, Evard or Jacob itself?
On November 19, a film-continuation called "Twilight. Saga. New Moon, founded on the second book Stephanie Meyer. In this picture, it is also quite acute...

Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner about the film "New Moon"

Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner about the film "New Moon"
Tell us about the relationship of the main characters?Kristen Stewart: Her (Ball) The most terrible nightmare is that Edward can leave her. And this is...

Top 5 rumors about Kristen Stewart

Top 5 rumors about Kristen Stewart
1. Breathe exactly, Kristen Stewart is alive and healthy. Allegedly "Global Associated News" reported that Kristen Stewart got a car accident and is in...

Birthdays Kristen Stewart waiting for a surprise from Robert Pattinson

Birthdays Kristen Stewart waiting for a surprise from Robert Pattinson
Now that Stuart on unconfirmed data in Budapest knows the whole world. But also, that already knows the whole world, but not a birthday room: Robert Pattinson...

What happens between Robert Pattinson and Emily de Ravin?

What happens between Robert Pattinson and Emily de Ravin?
The source told the magazine: "She knows that this is a kiss for the camera - this is part of the work of Rob, but it's not easy to take it, seeing sexy...

Nikki Reed in Zooey magazine. November / December 2012

Nikki Reed in Zooey magazine. November / December 2012
About your childhood : "My parents were very supported by me, they allowed us with an elder brother to find their way. They never said something like "no,...

Jackson Rathbone told about his tattoo

Jackson Rathbone told about his tattoo
On this Thanksgiving Jackson would like to thank his fans for their love: "Five years ago we did not imagine what we do. We shot a movie about vampires...