Articles #531

Stars on Twitter: Hugh Jackman celebrates the anniversary of the wedding, and Rihanna is not needed for a party

Stars on Twitter: Hugh Jackman celebrates the anniversary of the wedding, and Rihanna is not needed for a party
Hayden Pantier does not like rain and wants to get to the party And here Rihanna already arranged fun with Chris Brown and girlfriends Catherine...

Studio DreamWorks Animation will remove the animation film about dolls of trolls

Studio DreamWorks Animation will remove the animation film about dolls of trolls
"Trolli is a brand with more than a fifty-year-old story, and we are pleased that this legendary brand will enter the DreamWorks Animation family. We have...

Madonna denies the accusation of the Malawi government

Madonna denies the accusation of the Malawi government
President Malawi said that Madonna not only equipped ten classes, instead of the construction of the promised ten schools, but also demanded a special...

Stop Frame: Alec Baldwin, Misha Barton, Eddie Murphy, Gwyneth Paltrow and others

Stop Frame: Alec Baldwin, Misha Barton, Eddie Murphy, Gwyneth Paltrow and others
Gwyneth Paltrow introduced his book in New York Misha Barton seen in West Hollywood Alec Baldwin With his wife enjoy the game of...

Lindsay Lohan on David Letterman

Lindsay Lohan on David Letterman
The presenter began an interview with several ridiculous rumors about his guest. For example: "Lindsay Lohan today was on Today Show. After her visit,...

Anna-Sofia Robb in Seventeen magazine. May, 2013

Anna-Sofia Robb in Seventeen magazine. May, 2013
About girls' problems at school : "I think girls are too worried about what they will be coined. In high school, any problem seems much more serious than...

Adam Sandler on the show Conan O'Brian

Adam Sandler on the show Conan O'Brian
Adam Sandler recently decided to drive into one restaurant, where the stuffed animals were exhibited. "Buffaloes, deer ... I thought it would be cool,"...

Rachel McAdams on the show Jimmy Kimmel

Rachel McAdams on the show Jimmy Kimmel
Rachel lives in Canada, where she does not have to suffer from the obsessiveness of the paparazzi. "This place is not very attractive for them," the actress...

Stars on Twitter: Gerard Butler spits, and Jared Summer Shot

Stars on Twitter: Gerard Butler spits, and Jared Summer Shot
Emme Roberts Liked New Book Gwyneth Paltrow Daughter Pi Diddi already try to remove your own clip Niece Ashley Tisdale gives interviews instead of...

Stop Frame: Josh Harnett, Kate Middleton, Liam Hemsworth, Jessica Bil and others

Stop Frame: Josh Harnett, Kate Middleton, Liam Hemsworth, Jessica Bil and others
Rachel Makadams with their parents in Disneyland Jessica Bil Goes to a friend Liam Hemsworth Returns from training Kate Middleton...

Seth Rogen on the show Conan O'Brian

Seth Rogen on the show Conan O'Brian
"It was a very early flight, and I had a strong hangover ... because sometimes I drink a lot," the set began his story. "For some reason, I decided to...

Malawi authorities criticize Madonna

Malawi authorities criticize Madonna
Madonna once promised to build a multi-million academy for girls in Malawi. However, later the singer has changed his mind and stated that instead will...

Stop Frame: Kelly Osborne, Andrew Garfield, Charlize Theron, Yuen McGregor and others

Stop Frame: Kelly Osborne, Andrew Garfield, Charlize Theron, Yuen McGregor and others
Lady Gaga. seen in New York Yuen McGregor On the set of the film "Son of weapons" Kelly Osborne In Los Angeles met with a girlfriend Emma...

Chris Brown sympathizes Justin Biber

Chris Brown sympathizes Justin Biber
Chris does not know what is like to turn out to be a target of paparazzi and swing from one scandal to another. He sincerely sympathizes Justin Biberu,...

John Mayer on Show Ellen Dedgerez

John Mayer on Show Ellen Dedgerez
Ellen's long-standing girlfriend Katy Perry, the former girl John Mayer, so she decided to tell him: "I know Katie, she is good friend. I know that you...

Lindsay Lohan joked about her pregnancy

Lindsay Lohan joked about her pregnancy
Yesterday, a message appeared on Twitter Actress: "This is officially pregnant ..." in the media immediately rose a stir because of this sensational news,...

Matthew Perry on Show Jay Leno

Matthew Perry on Show Jay Leno
Matthew has a lot of comic moments in life. Even in tennis, the actor cannot play without failure: "I once played tennis. And I was very good at it. I...

Ideals Davindes for amazing hair

Ideals Davindes for amazing hair
Davindes is Italian professional premium hair cosmetics, which consists of natural components and gives health hair. This is a luxury product that is issued...

Sharon Osborne pregnant?

Sharon Osborne pregnant?
"I have a surprise for all of you, including my favorite girls, - started his announcement Sharon. - The last two weeks I was left. In fact, I visited...

Blake Lively about her perfect kitchen in Elle Decor magazine. April 2013

Blake Lively about her perfect kitchen in Elle Decor magazine. April 2013
"The location is excellent," said Blake about the house in Bedevord, New York. - And we just adore the kitchen. This is a truly family room. " Liveli added...