La stelo de la "Luzera" serio Matthew Morrison naskiĝis unuenaskitan


Laŭ tradicio, feliĉa edzino decidis decidi pri grava evento en niaj vivoj en sociaj retoj, dividante en Instagram mesaĝon, kiun la knabo naskiĝis. La bebo decidis nomi Revel James Makai. Ankaŭ en Instagram Matthew kaj Rene afiŝis plurajn fotojn de novnaskita filo.

I’m in Revel Heaven... my heaven on earth... to give you life, to hold you in my arms, to comfort you, to feed you from my body.. I can’t begin to express my immeasurable gratitude for being the one you chose as your Mama! My Revel James Makai Morrison, I promise to cherish you, to constantly remind you that you are worthy of love and belonging, to teach you compassion and kindness. I will respect you and go through every moment with understanding and patience.. I promise to love you unconditionally for ever and ever my little angel baby.. my squeaks.. my moon ? I see so much of your Papa in you already.. I feel the calm I once felt inside of me.. I cry from the overwhelming joy of finally being able to see your face that is perfection! My little wiggle worm... I hold my belly even now with sweet reminiscence.. I am so proud to finally share you with the world. Here he is ladies & gentleman... Our Revel James! #oneandonly #thereal #morrisonadventures ?: @isaaccohenphotography

Публикация от R͚E͚N͚E͚E͚ M͚ M͚O͚R͚R͚I͚S͚O͚N͚ (@reneemmorrison)

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