Duane Johnson ornamis la kovrilon Sports Illustrated


Alia atingo de Duane Johnson dividis en sia Instagram, prezentante foton kun la kovrilo de Sports Illustrated kaj agnoskante, ke li sonĝis pri la apero sur la kovrilo de ĉi tiu aŭtoritata eldono de 15 jaroj.

"Kiam mi havis 15 jarojn kaj mi ĵus komencis ludi piedpilkon, mi sonĝis, ke mi iam ludos NFL kaj mi trovus sur la kovrilo de Sports Illustrated. Mi ne eniris la NFL (kaj krome, mi estis ekskludita de la Kanada Futballigo). Sed mia malsukceso ankoraŭ inspiras min moviĝi eĉ nun. Kaj nun, pli ol jaroj, mia revo por atingi la kovrilon Sports Illustrated finfine rezultis. "

Grateful to share this EXCLUSIVE NEW COVER w/ you. Failure can be a cool & powerful thing.. When I was 15yrs old and started playing football, I had a dream that one day I'd play in the NFL and be on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Keep in mind, at 15, I also considered becoming a pro-boxer 'cause I thought I could be beat Mike Tyson who at that time, became the youngest ever Heavyweight Champ, so clearly my goals were extremely ambitious if not crack pipe level impossible. I failed to make it to the NFL (as well as got cut from the Canadian Football League). But my football failure created a drive that still pushes me today. Now years later THE COVER of @SportsIllustrated dream & goal was just achieved. Holy shit! (that's the 15yr old in me talkin';). At the end of the day, I want to surround myself with the hungriest and most brilliant team, because I never want to just play in the game, I always want change the way the game played. And thank God I didn't fight Mike Tyson. #FromAthleteToCEO #ToTheCoverOfSportsIllustrated #SevenBucksProds #1Baller *LINK TO FULL STORY IN MY BIO

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