Video: Duane Johnson habló con los fanáticos en el set en Canadá


El actor de 45 años de edad está ahora en Vancouver en el set de una nueva película de acción "rascacielos", pero, a pesar del empleo, asume ansiosamente el tiempo y para conocer a los fanáticos. Después de que los fanáticos fallaron durante varias horas en la tripulación de la película, Johnson, a su vez, asignó un par de horas para comunicarse con ellos e incluso compartió un video en su Instagram, con colectivo "AWWWW" y otros momentos conmovedores.

Tears and all. Bottom line, I’m a grateful and lucky SOB to have the greatest fans on earth. Time is my most valued currency these days and I’m always on the go, so I appreciate these students (or anyone for that matter) taking time out of their busy lives to wait patiently for hours while I finished up our #SkyscraperMovie production on the campus of University of British Columbia. I just love my guy in the back of the group jumping up and down like he just slammed a Rock size amount of caffeine and tequila. Good to meet y’all. Keep working hard in school and don’t be like Uncle DJ and get placed on academic probation after his first semester in college. ***editors note: for the record, Uncle DJ bounced back and became Academic Captain two years later of our beloved Miami Hurricane football team. #UBCLuv #TheU ??

Публикация от therock (@therock)

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