Selena Gomez haiglaravis kaks korda 2 nädala jooksul


Viimase kahe nädala jooksul langeb Selena teist korda CEDAR-SINAI meditsiinikeskusesse ja Gomez fännid hakkasid häire peksma. Paljud detractors on kindlad, et laulja on probleem alkoholi või narkootikumide, nii et see langeb rehabilitatsiooni. Tegelikult kannatas eelmise aasta selena neerude siirdamise, mille doonor sai tema lähedane sõbranna Francis Raisa.

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I’m very aware some of my fans had noticed I was laying low for part of the summer and questioning why I wasn’t promoting my new music, which I was extremely proud of. So I found out I needed to get a kidney transplant due to my Lupus and was recovering. It was what I needed to do for my overall health. I honestly look forward to sharing with you, soon my journey through these past several months as I have always wanted to do with you. Until then I want to publicly thank my family and incredible team of doctors for everything they have done for me prior to and post-surgery. And finally, there aren’t words to describe how I can possibly thank my beautiful friend Francia Raisa. She gave me the ultimate gift and sacrifice by donating her kidney to me. I am incredibly blessed. I love you so much sis. Lupus continues to be very misunderstood but progress is being made. For more information regarding Lupus please go to the Lupus Research Alliance website: -by grace through faith

Публикация от Selena Gomez (@selenagomez)

Ka Gomez on olnud haige Lupus juba mitu aastat, et tulemusena tekitanud probleeme neerude ja põhjustas ka mitmeid psühholoogilisi probleeme. Sulgemised külad on mures, et arvukad jaotused võivad kaasa tuua asjaolu, et see keeldub oma karjääri ja võtab paus loovuses, kuid seni Gomese ise ei ole teatanud midagi. Ta püüab vähendada oma püsimist sotsiaalsetes võrgustikes ja pöörata maksimaalset tähelepanu nende tervisele lootuses, et peagi nende probleemidest vabaneda.

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