Kristen Bell: "Monogamy on väga raske!"


38-aastane näitleja 5 aastat, alates 2013. aastast, abielus koos näitleja Dax Shepardiga, kuid tunnistatakse, et teised mehed meelitavad endiselt. Vestluses ajakirjanikega ütles ajakirja Kristen:

"Ma mõistan ühiskonna eeliseid monogaamiliste suhetega, kuid see on raske, sest teised inimesed ikka meelitavad teid. Dax tema kakskümmend midagi koosnes tasuta suhetest ja see hirmutas mind, kui me just alustasime kohtumist. Meil ei ole sellist suhet ja ma ei tea, kas seal on kunagi. "

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To the man mocked me in our wedding photos because I cried too many tears of joy, Who wore a baby Bjorn for 2 straight years to show his girls how to be as adventurous as possible, Who held our dear little shakey mann pup for 8 hrs straight on the day we had to put him down, I know how much you loved using. I know how much it got in your way. And I know, because I saw, how hard you worked to live without it. I will forever be in awe of your dedication, and the level of fierce moral inventory you perform on yourself, like an emotional surgery, every single night. You never fail to make amends, or say sorry when its needed. You are always available to guide me, and all of our friends, with open ears and tough love when its needed most. You have become the fertilizer in the garden of our life, encouraging everyone to grow. I'm so proud that you have never been ashamed of your story, but instead shared it widely, with the hope it might inspire someone else to become the best version of themselves. You have certainly inspired me to do so. I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone, and I want you to know, I see you. I see how hard you work. You set an excellent example of being human. Happy 14th year sobriety birthday, @daxshepard. Xoxo

Публикация от kristen bell (@kristenanniebell)

Happy abielu võti, hoolimata kõigist monogaamia tingimustest, on Kristeni sõnul ausus ausus: ja tema ja tema 43-aastane abikaasa ausalt ja avalikult tunnistavad üksteisele, kui nad armastavad kedagi teist.

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#tbt to how easy travelling was before kids

Публикация от kristen bell (@kristenanniebell)

"Mulle tundub, et monogaamia surve aitab teadlikkust, et teie partneri atraktsioon ei tähenda kedagi teist, et midagi on teiega isiklikult valesti. Ma ütlen daksu, kui keegi mulle meeldib, ja ta nalja, et pange mõned inimesed tema ees, ta ei tunne minu "tüüpi" elus. Kui ma kunagi tulla suudelda Riza Ahmed, Dax i lõhnas! "

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