Alexandra Daddariok paper garrantzitsua jaso zuen "Malibu Salbatzaile "etan


29 urteko aktoreak "Malibu Salbatzaileen" eginkizuna izan zuen, bere Instagram Duane Johnson-en (Alexandro) bere "San Andreas errua" izan zela eta, badirudi "rock". lankidetzarekin pozik mantendu zen. "Ofizialki: @alexannaddario talentu eta bikain bat agurtu nahi dut uda gisa kaste #baywatch-en zati gisa. Alex emakume paregabea da (nire esperientziarekin dakit), nahi dut ikustea nola "egingo duen" zeregin hau ".

IT'S OFFICIAL: Want to welcome the talented and gorgeous @alexannadaddario to the cast of #BAYWATCH for the role of "Summer". Alex is a one of kind woman (I know from experience) and can't wait for you guys to see her own the role. The female roles of #BAYWATCH have become extremely hot properties around Hollywood and as promised, the quality women we'll cast are stepping into these roles to have fun and make them iconic for the world to enjoy. The #BaywatchFamily so far consists of a tatted up bald guy named Rock, the cool, yet extremely unattractive @zacefron, the talented and gorgeous Alexandra Daddario...and some big casting announcements coming soon. And juuuuust wait til you guys see who we cast for the iconic role of "CJ Parker"....? #CueSlowMotionRunningDownTheBeach #WhosPuttingTanningOilOnMyBack? #GetReadyForSomeFunInTheSun #BAYWATCH ???

Фото опубликовано therock (@therock)

Instagram Duane Johnson-ek ere gazteluari buruzko iragarki "bero" pare bat agindu zien, agian, aktore / aktore ospetsu batzuk agertuko dira "Malibu Salbatzaileetan", rol merkeen onura nahikoa da oraindik.

Irakurri gehiago