Margo Robbie erkende dat it noch net ree is om in mem te wurden


As regel is Robbie net leuk om de details fan syn net-wurkjende libben te dielen. It is bekend dat de stjer "selsmoard squad" twa jier lokkich troude mei Tom Akerlie, mar se praat hast noait oer syn partner. Foar Porter Robbie makke in útsûndering. "Houlik is heul leuk. Ik fyn it leuk om myn frou te wêzen, mar ik soe it noch better moatte wurde, "seit se. Doe't Margo frege as se bern planne, antwurde it famke kategorys: "Nee! Definityf net. Wy hawwe in hûn, dat is twa jier âld. En no ferskynde de nije Pit Bull Puppy, dy't de man yn 'e ûnderdak naam. Ik sliepte net fanwegen trije dagen. En as ik mei twa hûnen net kin omgean, dan hoe kin ik bern pleatse? Nei 30 jier yn syn libben sjoch ik in grutte famylje, mar no bin ik net krekt klear. "

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Dive in! Introducing the Winter Escape issue of PORTER fronted by Academy Award-nominated actress @MargotRobbie. Bringing warmth, magic and escape to our cold winter days, Margot is photographed by @Yemchuk in fashion to lift your mood, as she talks marriage, tackling the iconic role of historic monarch Elizabeth I, finally working with Quentin Tarantino, and why she hates how fame has made her cynical, with Features Director @vassichamberlain. Also within the issue, PORTER shares previously unpublished images of supermodel @the_real_iman, who speaks about being discovered by female photographer @mirella_ricciardi and not Peter Beard – the man widely credited with discovering the model. For unmissable stories of empowered women, pages of incredible fashion, and an inspired travel and spa guide, find PORTER’s Winter Escape issue on global newsstands 7 December. Editor-in-Chief: @lucy_yeomans Fashion Editor: @camillebwaddington Margot wears bikini top by @chanelofficial

Публикация от PORTER magazine (@portermagazine)

Margo en Tom moete yn 2014 tidens it filmjen fan 'e film "Frânske suite", wêr't Aerley wurke as assistint-direkteur as assistint. Nei in skoft begon se tegearre te libjen yn Los Angeles en oprjochte har produksjebedriuw LuckyChap Entertainment.

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