Quentin Tarantino Kommentearre op 'e oanklagers fan' e mind Turman


De direkteur joech in detaillearre opmerking oer wat dan echt barde op 'e set "Kill Bill". Unthâld, tomman stelde Tomman dat tarantino har sûnens en it libben bewust sear docht om in better resultaat fan 'e film te berikken. Tarantino fertelde dat hy wist oer de kommende publikaasje, en tegearre mei de geast besprutsen dy't hy bespruts hoe it bêste te fertellen oer wat der barde. It artikel fan 'e aktrise feroarsake in grutte resonânsje yn' e parse en de filmmienskip lykwols, lykas Quentin, is it diel útmakke mei it ferline. Hy betelle dat it ûngelok foar ferskate jierren se fersoarge mei in toernee troch de relaasje, mar nei in skoft begon se elkoar wer te fertrouwen. Uteinlik, de geast fan 'e heule skuld foar wat der barde op' e produsinten fan 'e skilderijen, dy't besocht it ynsidint te lizzen, en Tarantino spyt him oant no.

De aktrise pleatst yn syn Instagram-fideo fan 'e dei dat, lykas it die bliken, levere har troch Pediatino. Se priizge de direkteur foar de moed om te fertellen oer alles om te fertellen, en hy hat tafoege dat hy himsels hie beskieden foar wat der bard wie en foar stilte oangeande de hannelingen fan Vinstein.

i post this clip to memorialize it’s full exposure in the nyt by Maureen Dowd. the circumstances of this event were negligent to the point of criminality. i do not believe though with malicious intent. Quentin Tarantino, was deeply regretful and remains remorseful about this sorry event, and gave me the footage years later so i could expose it and let it see the light of day, regardless of it most likely being an event for which justice will never be possible. he also did so with full knowledge it could cause him personal harm, and i am proud of him for doing the right thing and for his courage. THE COVER UP after the fact is UNFORGIVABLE. for this i hold Lawrence Bender, E. Bennett Walsh, and the notorious Harvey Weinstein solely responsible. they lied, destroyed evidence, and continue to lie about the permanent harm they caused and then chose to suppress. the cover up did have malicious intent, and shame on these three for all eternity. CAA never sent anyone to Mexico. i hope they look after other clients more respectfully if they in fact want to do the job for which they take money with any decency.

Публикация от Uma Thurman (@ithurman)

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