Dúirt bean chéile Jonathan Riza Myers ar choinneáil aisteoir


Star Fans an-saddled an t-eolas go bhfuil a n-idol aggressively ní amháin i dtreo a bhean chéile, ach freisin i láthair a leanbh aon-bliain d'aois. Ghabh Mara Lane, céile an aisteora, leithscéal le paisinéirí uile an línéir agus scríobh sé post i Instagram. "Ocht mí de shobriety agus lá amháin nár éirigh leis don eitilt. Bhí muid i Meiriceá Theas, áit a raibh clár speisialta acu ar obair ar fhearg, a raibh an cás seo mar thoradh air seo. I stát den sórt sin, níor thuig sé ach na hiarmhairtí. Jonathan Sories An dímheas léiriú ar dom, paisinéirí, ball foirne agus oifigigh póilíní. Go raibh maith agat as do thacaíocht, leanaimid orainn ag troid le spleáchas, "scríobhann an lána.

8 months of sobriety and an unfortunate day of airline travel. We were in South America specifically working holistically through anger issues that result in these kinds of episodes. When in it... he is not in a frame of mind where he can really even comprehend the repercussions and necessary response to his own actions. J IS extremely sorry for any inconveniences caused to anyone traveling yesterday. There was no argument, just me asking him to not use his e cig per stewardess’ request to me and him not being himself, speaking very very unkindly. It was out of his character. It was unbeknownst to me anything that happened on flight, as I was with my son with a privacy wall up. We are home safe and he is feeling deeply sorry for any remote disrespect afforded to me, attendants, onlookers or officers. Thank you for your compassion on this ongoing battle with addiction we are in

Публикация от Mara Lane ???✨❤???✌? (@maralanerhysmeyers)

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