World of Fashion desde o interior: Natalia Vodyanova pasou unha xira polo fillo no taller Dior


No seu Instagram, Vodyanova colocou unha foto xunto co seu cónxuxe Antoine Arno, que tamén é a tempo parcial e autor da idea da porta aberta de marcas de moda. "O mellor fin de semana está a traballar coa segunda metade # A rapidez familiar está moi feliz de participar na iniciativa @antoinearnault", escribe o modelo.

Pero non só Arno acompañouna nunha excursión cognitiva, o fillo de Natalia Maxim tamén estudou como se crean os patróns da casa Dior. "O máis interesante da vida é coñecer e coñecer xente de negocios e mergullarse na maxia do que están mellorando todas as súas vidas. Hoxe en Dior volvei a abrirme a arte do bordado. En realidade, eu, por suposto, sabe algo da miña avoa, pero aínda simplemente non encaixa na miña cabeza, cando un fragmento de 50x50 centímetros de tecido pode requirir 650 (!) Horas feitas a man. Verdadeiramente, non hai límite para a excelencia! A miña Maxim está sorprendida e inspirada ", escribiu Wovatanova.

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it’s always so fantastic to meet the real people behind each brand’s magic - their dedication, knowledge, talent and humanity are truly inspiring and make this day even more worth it. Here @dior we are discovering the art of embroidery. We know a bit about that already from Grandma but it’s always fascinating to hear again that a piece 50 by 50 approximately will take around 650 hours to make. Clearly Maxim will be coming back again to the workshops ???❤ @lvmh #JPLVMH Самое интересное в жизни - это встречать и знакомиться с людьми дела и погружаться в магию того, в чем они совершенствуются всю свою жизнь. ?Сегодня в @dior я заново ? для себя открывала искусство вышивания. Вообще-то я, конечно, кое-что об этом знаю от своей Бабуни, но все равно просто не укладывается в голове, когда фрагмент ткани в 50х50см может потребовать 650 (!) часов ручного труда ?. Воистину, нет предела совершенству! Мы с Максимом поражены и вдохновлены ???❤ #аристономия

Публикация от Natalia Vodianova (@natasupernova)

Natalia con nenos en Louis Vuitton:

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Today we had the honor to visit the very first workshop that was founded by Louis Vuitton himself back in 1859, where we learned about his incredible family history. Louis came from extreme poverty and had no education but his robust and light luggages soon became a must have for all the high society people of Paris. His son however loved fashion and was well educated in London. He was the one who created the famous LV monogram and that was a revolutionary marketing move at the time as they were the first ever to use name initials as logos. Generation after generation, the workshop reigns on family history, tradition, humility and virtue that is passed along. I can only hope that these two babies got inspired today and that one day will write their own history and who knows maybe they ll continue my journey of philanthropy for generations and generations to come #CantWaitForWhatsNext #nopressure ????❤ ?? перевод на русский в комментариях ⬇

Публикация от Natalia Vodianova (@natasupernova)

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