Duyne Johnson converteuse no pai por terceira vez


O actor publicou unha foto conmovedora xunto cunha filla recentemente nada, confesando que estaba experimentando un incrible amor, respecto e tremes diante das mulleres. "Estou increíblemente orgulloso que Tian Jia Johnson apareceu nesta luz. As mulleres fortes e amorosas foron levantadas, pero cando vin o nacemento de Tia, entón experimentei algún tipo de respecto e admiro coa miña amada e todas as mulleres do mundo ", escribe Dwayin. Tamén engadiu que é moi importante ser un cabaleiro e apoiar á súa muller no momento do parto, manter a man, manter e facer todo o que sexa necesario para a axuda. Johnson xa ten dúas fillas - Jasmine de 2 anos de idade de Lauren, así como Simon de 16 anos de idade do primeiro matrimonio con Dani García.

Skin to skin. Our mana. Blessed and proud to bring another strong girl into this world. Tiana Gia Johnson came into this world like a force of nature and Mama @laurenhashianofficial labored and delivered like a true rockstar. I was raised and surrounded by strong, loving women all my life, but after participating in baby Tia’s delivery, it’s hard to express the new level of love, respect and admiration I have for @laurenhashianofficial and all mamas and women out there. Word to the wise gentlemen, it’s critical to be by your lady’s head when she’s delivering, being as supportive as you can.. holding hands, holding legs, whatever you can do. But, if you really want to understand the single most powerful and primal moment life will ever offer - watch your child being born. Its a life changer and the respect and admiration you have for a woman, will forever be boundless. And to my third and youngest daughter, Tiana Gia - like I did when your two older sisters Simone Alexandra and Jasmine Lia were born, you have my word, I’ll love, protect, guide and make ya laugh for the rest of my life. Your crazy dad has many responsibilities and wears many hats in this big ol’ world, but being your dad will always be the one I’m most proud to wear. Oh and one more thing.. you’re gonna love rollin’ in daddy’s pick up truck. #TianaGiaJohnson? #3rdDaughter #BlessesAndGratefulMan #ImInTROUBLE

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