David Beckham, Jason Statham thiab txiv leej tub Richie npaj marathon ntawm thawb-ups


Thoob plaws peb hnub nyob rau hauv kab, Instagram Account Statham, Beckham thiab Richie yog ib qho kev sib cav sib luag txhua hnub, thiab txawm tias sim ua kom tau raws li hauv 60 vib nas this (txwv tsis pub ncua sijhawm ntawm Instagram Video).

Vim li cas nws txhua tus tau pib: Guy Ritchie hu Jason Statham

Jason Statham lees txais kev sib tw:

@22PushupChallenge @jaseflem123 @guyritchie

Видео опубликовано Jason Statham (@jasonstatham)

Thiab maj!

Day 2 Statham sort of came through. He opted for the easy push ups, sadly. Anyway, I am roping in the football star now. @davidbeckham

Видео опубликовано Guy Ritchie (@guyritchie)

To honor those who serve and to raise awareness for veteran suicide. Real heroes that need help. @22pushupchallenge #22kill @guyritchie

Видео опубликовано Jason Statham (@jasonstatham)

@22pushupchallenge #22kill #reallifeheroes #bravestwarriors @guyritchie

Видео опубликовано Jason Statham (@jasonstatham)

Mr Richie's challenge to myself day 2. @guyritchie

Видео опубликовано David Beckham (@davidbeckham)

Nyeem ntxiv