Kate Hudson će biti mama po treći put


Otac Kate i oca, dečka glumica Danny Fujikawa, pokušao je sačuvati vijesti o dodavanju u tajni obitelji od medija što je duže moguće - ali bilo je nemoguće zadržati tajnu i dalje, jer je Hudson već bio na drugom tromjesečju. Glumica je uspijevala shvatiti pod budućeg djeteta - njezina kći i Danny će se roditi.

Kate Hudson već podiže dva sina: 14-godišnja vožnja, koja je rodila rock glazbenika Chrisa Robinsona i 6-godišnjeg binghama, čiji je otac bio vođa čahure Matthew Bellamyja.

SURPRISE!!! ? If you’ve wondered why I’ve been so absent on my social channels it’s because I have never been more sick! It was the most sick first trimester of all my children. Boomerangs have made me nauseous, Superzoom is an easy way to have my head in the toilet, food instagrams make me queezy and thinking too much about insta stories made me even more exhausted than I already had been. If you’ve seen me out and about smiling and pretending like everything is amazing...I was lying! BUT! I have broken through on the other end of that and rediscovering the joys of insta/snap. We have been trying to keep this pregnancy under the radar for as long as possible but I’m a poppin now! And it’s too darn challenging to hide, and frankly hiding is more exhausting then just coming out with it! My kids, Danny, myself and the entire family are crazy excited! A little girl on the way ?

Публикация от Kate Hudson (@katehudson)

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