Kuća Chanel uredila je prvu modnu show na Kubi


Gosta Bundchen, Tilda Suinton, Win Diesel (koji je sada snimanje "Brzi i žestoki 8") i obitelj Kardashian - Kim i Kanya s kćeri sjever. Pod zavjesom iz emisije na bulevaru pojavili su se glazbenici, koji su okrenuli grančicu u velikoj zabavi.

A party with dancing and singing ensued at the end of the Chanel fashion show - the first major fashion house to hold a fashion show in Cuba.

Видео опубликовано Annie Rose Ramos (@annieroseny)

The fashion house #Chanel became the first major fashion house to send models down the catwalk in Cuba on Tuesday @cnnstyle @cnn

Видео опубликовано Annie Rose Ramos (@annieroseny)

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