Star "Fursazha" Tyreiz Gibson pou yon dezyèm fwa te vin papa l '


Aktè a pa sèlman te pale sou ajoute, men deja devwale non an nan tibebe ki fèk fèt la. "Nou di Bondye mèsi pou lefèt ke Princess ti kras nou an plis pase kouche parèt sou tan. Madanm mwen se jis yon chanpyon, pou 30 èdtan mwen te kapab obsève fòs la enkwayab nan fanm sa a, "ekri Tyreiz nan paj li.

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Already on #DaddyDuties.... My wife is the real champion here I have never seen this level of strength and will power..... She was in labor for 30 hours... 8 pounds 6 oz later..... We know our daughter came here to change things.... We wanna say thank you and we appreciate your prayers and love... We are both overjoyed with our new angel Soraya Lee Gibson and exhausted! Soraya we are going to love you and protect you till the end of this earth.... We prayed and invited the spirit of the lord into every room we went into and are truly blessed that God delivered on his promise....: Amen.... So many family moments and celebrations to come.... Your going meet your amazing big sister #Shayla in 4 days.... Your mother’s birthday is in 25 days..... Thanksgiving is near, Christmas is Dec 25th, your father is turning 40 on Dec 30th, then New Years etc....... Overjoyed thank you guys for all the sincere covering in prayers and love queen and princess Gibson is resting!!!! No more post for me......: ( can’t reveal our angel my wife ain’t havin it....... Love you guys ha!!!

Публикация от TYRESE (@tyrese)

Li se vo anyen ki pou aktè a timoun sa a te deja dezyèm lan, li te gen yon pitit fi 11-ane-fin vye granmoun Sheila soti nan maryaj ak nòmal la nan Mitchell. Depi 2017, Gibson se marye ak Samantha, ak pou ti fi a yon pitit fi ki fenk fèt te vin premye pitit gason an. Fanatik yo ak kòlèg li yo nan Tyreiza yo deja ta ka ak sitou felisite l 'ak ajoute nan long dire e konsa kè kontan nan fanmi an, vle gwo sante nan ti bebe a ak manman l'.

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