Ryan Reynolds megmutatta a videót a képzésről a "Deadpool 2" -re


A videó a Don Saladino Star Coach instagramjában jelent meg, aki Ryan Reynolds mellett sok más szereplővel (különösen, Saladino és csapata "Sebastian Stan és Scarlett Johansson készül" Avengers: Infinity War ). A Dadepool 2 egy év alatt megjelenik a mozikban - a film premierje 2018 júniusára kerül megrendezésre.

@vancityreynolds performs one of his favorite ab exercises in preparation for #deadpool2 - Exercise "Reverse crunch with a lift" - What it works? Abdominals and core - How I use it? At the end of my workout with my abdominal training. Try 3 sets of 10-15 reps. Discontinue the lift portion when it becomes to difficult to perform. - How do I execute? Lie on the floor or a decline bench. Make sure to keep your lower back flat. Pull your legs towards your torso and then drive your legs to the ceiling. Always stay under perfect control. Try not to use any momentum. - Go to DonSaladino.com for my blog, tips, and nutrition. - You can also download my workouts @fitner_app - #suitup #superhero #ryanreynolds #training #gymmafia #donsaladino #deadpooltraining

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