Mgbe imechara mmadụ iri isii, Gebriel Union ghọrọ nne ya


Kpakpando nke ihe nkiri "ndị ọjọọ na-atọhapụ nke autobiophy" anyị chọrọ mmanya ọzọ ", nke a gwara maka mgbalị na-emegbu ụmụaka. Anwara m ime afọ atọ. N'oge a niile, m na-akwado maka Eco, ma ọ bụ gaa na ya, ma ọ bụ mechaa usoro ahụ. N'afọ ndị gafeworonụ, m na-edinarị mmadụ asatọ ma ọ bụ itoolu. N'ihi ya, ndị di na nwunye gwara ha ma jiri ọrụ dị ka nne nyere ya ọdụ.

Na November 7, ada ha nwanyị nke mbụ pụtara n'ụwa, Gabriel kenyere ndị debanyere ọ joyụ na Instagram. N'okpuru foto ezinụlọ atọ, o dere, sị: "Daybọchị dị ebube! Anyị ehighị ụra, mana obi ụtọ anyị na-agwa na amụrụ ọmarịcha nwa anyị site na iji nne ya na-ekpe ekpere na November 7. Ugbu a, obi a ga-adịgide ruo mgbe ebighị ebi dị ka ụbọchị kachasị mma nke ndụ anyị. Nabata na oriri ahụ, dị ụtọ! "

Amabeghị aha nwa nwanyị ahụ. N'ihi na Gabriel Union, nke a bụ nwa mbụ, mana ọ bụghị ahụmahụ nne mbụ. Ya na di ya ma ọ bụ nwunye ya bụ Wade, ọ na-ewelite ụmụ nwoke atọ ndị nọ n'alụmdi na nwunye gara aga. Ugbu a na ezinụlọ enyi enweela nwa agbọghọ ọzọ.

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As parents who are raising black boys in Florida, a "Stand Your Ground" and "Open Carry" state, @dwyanewade and I know firsthand the fear, anxiety and frustration that goes hand in hand when so many demonize, weaponize and criminalize black and brown bodies. This wedding pic is right when the boys were preteens, and the reactions to them started to change from "oh how cute” to “clutch the pearls.” #AmericanSon effectively and beautifully details this experience and we are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with such a dynamic group of creatives, producers and investors to bring this powerful play to life. We are humbled. We are honored. We are ready. Thank you @kerrywashington for bringing us on board for this incredible journey. @americansonplay

Публикация от Gabrielle Union-Wade (@gabunion)